Allied and Complementary Medicine

Allied health Science is a medical discipline that deals with all types of diagnostic techniques used in the medical field. Blood analysis, histopathology, pathological analysis, and radiography are a few examples. Allied health sciences are critical for patient treatment. With the reliance on technology for diagnosis, the role of allied health personnel has become critical for delivering successful treatment.

Complementary Medicine refers to a group of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques that are used in addition to conventional medicine and do not replace standard medical practices. Acupuncture, for example, is used to help alleviate some of the side effects of modern cancer treatment. Alternative medicine differs from complementary medicine. When these therapies are used in conjunction with traditional Western medicine, they are referred to as complementary medicine. When these methods are used instead of conventional medicine, it is referred to as alternative medicine.

Complementary Medicine in Healthcare
Osteopathic medicine
Occupational Therapy
Speech Language and Audiology